Cherry Blossoms Predicted to Reach Full Bloom in Late March

The National Park Service (NPS) announced that the cherry blossoms will mostly likely reach peak bloom between March 27 to 30. This initial bloom prediction indicates that the blossoms will reach the final stage of bloom progression much earlier than in 2019.

This early bloom is due to a warmer-than-typical winter, according to NPS. Last year, the trees reached the green bud stage on March 5, and bloomed on April 1. In 2020, the trees reached the green bud stage on Feb 28.

The peak bloom date is the date when 70% of the Yoshino Cherry blossoms are open, and the bloom depends on weather conditions. Typically, blossoms reach peak bloom in the last week of March to the first week of April.

Significantly warmer temperatures can drastically change peak bloom. In 1990, a warmer-than-usual winter led to peak bloom on March 15. In 1958, a colder-than-usual winter led to a peak bloom on April 18.

The duration of the bloom also depends on the weather. While Yoshino trees typically bloom for several days, weather can change the duration of the peak bloom.

Cool weather can extend the bloom, and intense rain or wind can severely shorten it.

Final peak bloom predictions will continue to be made as the blossoms progress in development.

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Warm Winter Leads to Potential Early Cherry Blossom Bloom


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