Chevy Chase Village Board Votes to Disestablish Dog Park

Chevy Chase Village Board Chair Elissa Leonard (left) and Vice-Chair Robert Goodwin.

The Chevy Chase Village Board of Managers voted to disestablish the dog park at Brookville Road Park, making a lot of residents barking mad.

It was standing room only at the hearing on Monday. Dozens of Chevy Chase residents showed up to the hearing to testify in support of saving the park (many were wearing white “Save the Chevy Chase Dog Park” hats that were distributed before the meeting). Board members noted that it was one of the most popular—possibly the most popular—hearings the Village has ever had.

Board Chair Elissa Leonard said that the vote doesn’t mean that the dog park is going away because people can still take their dogs to the Brookville Road Park area. However “disestablishing” means that the fencing surrounding the park will come down, so there will no longer be any official designated off-leash space for dogs in the neighborhood to play.

Two Chevy Chase Board Members, Robert Goodwin (the vice-chair) and Linda Willard voted to maintain the park.

Once the vote was made official, residents booed and started walking out. Leonard tried reassuring residents that the board was working with Montogmery Parks to come up with a solution to find a larger dog park area in a space nearby, but residents continued walking out.

Here’s What Happened at the Chevy Chase Dog Park Hearing

Tweet Recap From the Chevy Chase Dog Park Hearing

Check out this Twitter thread for a full recap of the hearing.

Related Post:

Chevy Chase Village Residents Howl After Dog Park Closure

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