A girl, possibly about 3 years old, fell out of a ninth-floor window Wednesday, and suffered only minor injuries, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service spokesman Pete Piringer said.
The child likely landed on bushes or mulch, Piringer said. An ambulance from the Hillandale Volunteer Fire Department took the girl to a hospital, he said.
The fall occurred about 1 p.m. at the Chateau Apartments on Mount Pisgah Road, White Oak.
She was in the apartment with a caregiver and other siblings, he said.
Update (~1p 10/16) 9727 Mount Pisgah Rd., Château Apartments, White Oak, injured child, fall from 9th floor window, likely landed on bushes/mulch below, @MCFRS & @MCFRS_EMIHS arrived to find toddler in lobby w/ minor NLT ‘traumatic’ injuries, child transported Pri2 NLT, stable pic.twitter.com/WqCROKWHva
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) October 16, 2019
Update/FYI – Mt Pisgah Rd, Château Apts, @MCFRS_EMIHS transported injured child from a fall, minor traumatic injury NLT https://t.co/zifbVmYAbv
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) October 16, 2019
9727 Mount Pisgah Rd., Château Apartments, White Oak, injured child, fall from 9th floor balcony, @MCFRS_EMIHS transporting Pri1 trauma
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) October 16, 2019
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