Civilian Assistant Police Chief Placed on Administrative Leave

Civilian Assistant Police Chief Carmen Facciolo. Via Montgomery County Police Department.

Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) Civilian Assistant Chief Carmen Facciolo has been put on administrative leave, County Executive Marc Elrich said Wednesday.

During a media briefing Wednesday, Elrich said he had a briefing with Police Chief Marcus Jones about the matter earlier in the day. Elrich said he is prohibited by law from discussing details because it is a personnel matter, “but the matter is currently being looked into.”

A police spokesperson told MyMCM the department is referring all inquiries to the County Executive’s office.

Facciolo started his position in June 2021. His role as a civilian chief was to help with community-building and serve as a liaison between police and the community, Elrich said. He said he had a number of constructive conversations with Facciolo over the past year.

Facciolo was the police department’s first civilian assistant chief.

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