Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee Looking for Applicants

County Executive Marc Elrich wants to fill five vacancies on the Climate, Energy and Air Quality Advisory Committee.

All applicants must be current Montgomery County residents and have an interest in and be technically  knowledgable of climate change, energy and air quality. Those with experience and education in these fields are especially encouraged to apply, according to My Green Montgomery’s website.

The committee advises the county executive and county council on recommendations regarding the county’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals as well as ways to promote reliable energy use and meet air quality standards. They also help recruit volunteers for climate-related, energy conservation and air quality improvement efforts.

Currently, two incumbents from the 15-member committee can apply for reappointment. Committee members serve three-year terms without compensation but can be reimbursed for travel fees.

Since the pandemic, the committee has met virtually on the first Wednesday evening of the month. When in-person meetings resume, they will be held in Rockville or Wheaton.

Members of county boards, committees and commissions cannot not serve in more than one capacity at a time. All members must complete training on the Maryland Open Meetings Act as well as basic procedures.

Those appointed by the county executive must be confirmed by the county council and the process may be made open to the public. Applicants should provide a cover letter, resume and complete an online form.

Applications must be submitted by the Aug. 6 deadline. Vacancies can be viewed on the Montgomery County website. For more information on meetings visit the county’s Department of Environmental Protection website.

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