Tuesday, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) forecast Wednesday’s air quality to be in the Code Orange range. The air is unhealthy for sensitive groups to breathe.
Anyone with heart or lung disease, older adults, outdoor workers, children, teenagers and minority populations should take precautions when outdoors Wednesday. COG advises persons to take more breaks when outdoors, and watch for symptoms such as coughing or shortness of breath. Asthmatics should keep quick relief medicine handy.
During a Code Orange air quality episode, COG advises residents to fill gas tanks after sunset, to avoid mowing lawns unless using an electric mower, and to use gas or electric grills rather than charcoal. Also, take transit, carpool, or work from home and turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
Residents can check current air quality conditions on COG’s website or the Clean Air Partners website.
🟠 Another Code Orange unhealthy #airquality day for sensitive groups is forecast in much of the #DMV for tomorrow, August 28. On unhealthy days, residents are advised to take actions like avoiding lawn mowing, taking transit, and reducing energy use. https://t.co/vujQarGM7i pic.twitter.com/giCl88uSgy
— COG (@MWCOG) August 27, 2024
Tuesday: High Heat, Unhealthy Air and Wednesday: Even Hotter
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