Complaints Against Takoma Park Police Increased in 2023

Takoma Park Police received 11 complaints during 2023, two of which were deemed unfounded and one which resulted in a written reprimand.

According to the Internal Affairs Complaint Investigations report released Wednesday, five of the 11 complaints went through an internal investigation. Seven received administration investigation reviews.

Four of the complaints were submitted by residents, and seven were filed internally by an employee of the police department.

The department also received two online compliments.

Altogether, the complaints involved 10 sworn officers. Four civilian employees also were the subject of a complaint.

As a result of investigations, two complaints found that the officer(s) involved conducted themselves improperly. In one of those cases, disciplinary action is pending following an administrative hearing board.

Four complaints resulted in the employee(s) undergoing performance counseling. Three complaints are still under investigation.

In 2022, six complaints were received.

During 2023, officers were involved in 12,675 service calls, self-initiated calls and traffic stops.

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