The County Council introduced a bill on June 16 that would create a new assistant chief of police position which would be filled by a civilian.
The job of the fifth assistant police chief will be to “focus on community relations and evidenced-based policing,” according to the proposed bill.
County Executive Marc Elrich proposed the idea. In a letter to the council, he explained that this position is designed to enable the Montgomery County Police Department to “be more engaged, transparent and accountable to the community.”
According to the proposal, a civilian assistant chief of police would head the newly-created Community Resources Bureau and would oversee the Community Engagement Division, the Policy and Planning Division and the Public Information Office.
The School Resource Officer Program also would fall under the civilian assistant chief’s wings.
A public hearing is set for July 7 at 1:30 p.m. on the bill. Council President Sidney Katz is lead sponsor.
MCP will abolish a currently vacant police captain position to fund this position, enabling it to be “close to cost neutral,” according to the bill.
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