Council Elects Katz, Hucker as New President, Vice President

The Montgomery County Council elected a new Council President and Vice President to one-year terms on Tuesday.

Sidney Katz will serve as Council President, while Tom Hucker will become the new Vice President for the upcoming year. Each vote was unanimous.

Outgoing Council President Nancy Navarro, who served as the only woman on the council and the first Latina elected to the council, reflected over the last year during a public hearing.

Navarro accomplishments made throughout the year include the Racial Equity and Social Justice Act, the CROWN Act, the Community Policing Act, and the County’s Early Care and Education Initiative.

Moving forward, newly elected County Council President Katz says he will continue to work to make Montgomery County the best it can be.

The goals within the next year include expanding and strengthening the county’s economy by continuing to work with businesses located here, and those that could possibly relocate here. Also, to continue to work with public safety departments and first responders to ensure that they have the personnel, and training to safely serve the community.





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