Council Questions MCPS Promotion Process

On Thursday the Council Commitee for Education and Culture met with officials from MCPS and the Board of Education to discuss solutions to the processes that enabled Joel Beidleman to be promoted to Principal of Paint Branch High School despite being under investigation. Here is a shortened version of the exchanges between the Council and school officials.

The meeting was called after a summary of the report generated by the law firm Jackson Lewis was sent to the Council.

During their investigation, Jackson Lewis was only charged with fact-finding, not suggesting solutions. The Office of the Inspector General will review the events that led to the promotion of Beidleman and recommend changes to the promotion process in the future.

Throughout the meeting councilmembers urged MCPS and the Board of Education to share the full redacted report from Jackson Lewis with the public.

MCPS has established a new method for submitting complaints on their website. Likewise, MCPS personnel can call the Office of the Inspector General at 240-777-7280 or 240-777-7644.

You can watch the hearing in full on YouTube.

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