Council Votes to Table Bill That Would Ban Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers

Residents still will have to endure the noise of gas-powered leaf blowers at least a little longer now that county councilmembers voted to table a proposed ban on gas-powered leaf blowers.

During its council meeting Tuesday, seven of the 11 members voted to table the ban until at least a rebate program for those having to purchase new equipment is worked out.

“There are too many unanswered questions,” Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe said.

In a previous meeting, several councilmembers expressed concern for the small business owner who would have to spend thousands of dollars on electric leaf blowers and batteries. Some small landscaping companies would go out of business, some councilmembers predicted.

The county considered a $100 rebate, but councilmembers agreed that was too low. They asked the county staff to propose a more realistic amount before they would vote on the ban.

Council President Evan Glass, who supported the ban, said gas-powered equipment is bad for people’s health and the environment. In a tweet following the tabling, Glass wrote, “I’m disappointed by this action.”

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Council Considers Banning Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers

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