Councilmember Glass Advocates for Transportation Accessibility to Future Vaccine Sites

Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass sent a memorandum on Thursday regarding transit accessibility to future vaccination sites to the Montgomery County Office of Emergency Management & Homeland Security.

In the memo, Glass wrote that he wants to ensure “vaccination sites operated by the county are easily accessible to those dependent on riding transit,” citing a majority “earn less than $30,000 a year and lack access to a car.”

“Access to vaccination sites is critical for residents who are dependent on transit, many of whom are essential workers and lower-income,” Glass said in a recent tweet.

Glass mentioned current vaccination sites around the county that are accessible by transit lines: Dennis Avenue Health Center in Silver Spring, Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Quince Orchard High School in Gaithersburg, White Oak Recreation Center and Montgomery College Germantown.

He concluded by requesting this information to be included in official Montgomery County websites and communication channels. If a vaccination site is added or moved, Glass hopes they will be near “robust transit to allow for equitable accessibility.”

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