Councilmember Glass Pushes for Greater Census Participation as Deadline Nears

Councilmember Evan Glass acknowledged Montgomery County’s above-average participation in the 2020 U.S. Census Saturday but called for greater efforts moving forward. 

As of August 1, 72.8% of county residents have responded to the census, according to Councilmember Glass.

Councilmember Glass said this participation stands above the national average, which is currently 62.6% of the country’s population.

The U.S. Census is an important factor in determining district lines, funding initiatives and the number of seats in the House. 

Councilmember Glass said the county’s lack of participation could lead to a loss in $4.6 billion of federal and state funds over the next decade. 

“Those billions of dollars would fund hospitals, schools, roads and social services,” Councilmember Glass tweeted. 

“We need your help to ensure over 250,000 people are counted by August 11, which is when the Census Bureau will follow-up with households that have not yet responded.” 

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