Councilmembers Get Feedback on Agritourism Development, Overnight Stays at Farms

Earlier this year Councilmember Natalie Fani-Gonzalez introduced a bill to help develop “agritourism” in the western county’s Ag Reserve.

The bill would allow for overnight outdoor stays at farms that provide agricultural education with events like hayrides, farm tours and other related activities.

On Wednesday evening Councilmembers Dawn Luedtke and Marilyn Balcombe held a meeting to get resident input at the Office of Agriculture in Derwood. The two councilmembers each represent one half of the Agricultural Reserve. According to Balcombe’s recent newsletter, reactions to the current bill have been mixed. She and Luedtke wanted to hear from the public to help refine an amendment to the current proposal.

Councilmember Luedtke posted on Instagram: “Great and interesting discussion last night…to find a solution that allows visitors to enjoy the farms and activities that make this place special while balancing the need to preserve land for farming.”

Several dozen attended one of several upcoming meetings to figure out how to boost tourism dollars for the Agricultural Reserve which has suffered economic loss since the closing of White’s Ferry.

Photo courtesy Aaron Kraut

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