County Begins Vaccinating Additional Groups

Vaccination clinics operated by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services are now offering COVID-19 vaccines to residents 65 to 74 year olds and essential workers, according to a press release.

Essential workers in this priority group include transit workers, teachers, child care workers and individuals with developmental disabilities.

In the past few weeks, the county said more than 165,000 Montgomery County residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and more than 82,000 residents have been fully vaccinated. The County’s Health Department is receiving an average of 5,000 doses per week.

While the county is including additional groups, they will continue to reach out to residents 75 and older who have not been vaccinated through phone calls, texts and emails.

Residents must pre-register on the county’s COVID-19 vaccine website to obtain a vaccine. As more groups become eligible, residents will receive a link via email to schedule their appointment. Detailed information about the different priority groups can be found here.

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