County Conducts Annual Sweep to Remove Political Signs

After Monday, the numbers of those all-too-familiar political signs will diminish in public places.

The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services will be removing all political signs Monday that are on county roads’ right of way during their annual sweep.

Candidates must remove their signs from polling places immediately after the site is closed. Their other signs that are along county roads’ right of ways need to be removed now, according to the Department of Permitting Services. Signs were not allowed on Maryland state roads.

A county employee collecting signs

To file a complaint about a sign in the county right of way, go to the DPS’s website.

To dispose of political signs on personal property, the county recommends that any cardboard be recycled with the owners’ regular paper recycling. Corrugated plastic cannot be recycled and should be disposed in regular household trash. Wire supports should be recycled as scrap metal and taken to the county’s transfer station in Shady Grove.

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