County Considers Lifting Some Restrictions if COVID-19 Cases Continue to Decline

COVID-19 case numbers are starting to slightly decrease in Montgomery County, and officials say it’s most likely partly due to vaccines becoming more available and most people following safety guidelines.

“The numbers are encouraging, but they are not numbers we want to get comfortable with,” said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich during his weekly virtual media briefing on Wednesday.

According to the county’s COVID-19 data dashboard, the positivity rate has gone down to about 3.6% which is about where it was at the beginning of the summer.

Local leaders say they are closely monitoring case numbers, and if they continue to go down, they will potentially consider gradually reopening more things.

“We will look to explore over the coming weeks if those trends hold and continue to move in a positive direction- how we can potentially alter any restrictions we have in place,” added Montgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles.

MyMCM tuned into the briefing to learn more about what trends county officials need to see before moving forward into the next reopening phase.


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