County Council Asking Residents for Testimony About FY21 Operating Budget

The Montgomery County Council is asking residents to give testimony about County Executive Marc Elrich’s recommended Fiscal Year 2021 Operating Budget

The council will hold two remote public hearings on Thursday, April 16 at 1:30 and 7 p.m. Residents can give live testimony during the hearing through phone call, and can call 240-777-7803 to sign up by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14. People can also give pre-recorded testimony online, whether it be written, audio or video. Pre-recorded testimony submitted online won’t be shown during the hearing, but it will be reviewed by councilmembers and put on the council’s web page for public viewing. 

Elrich introduced the budget on March 16. The council is due to adopt it in May, and it will take effect July 1. 

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