County Council Plans to Hold Public Hearings

The County Council will be holding three public hearings during November. They are scheduled to be held at the Council Office Building on Nov. 7, 14, and 28.

Residents must preregister to testify.  Those who wish to testify may do so in-person or remotely. Pre-recorded audio or video or mail testimony are acceptable as well. Letters must be sent to the County Council.

The agenda for the public hearing on Nov. 7 at 1:30 p.m. will cover five appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget: The introduction of Special Appropriation #24-14 and Supplemental Appropriations #24-25, #24-24, #24-35, and #24-34. The deadline to speak at the hearing is Nov. 6 at 2 p.m. 

Special Appropriation #24-14

Rent Stabilization Bill 15-23 was signed into Law by the City Council on July 24. In order “to hire personnel to manage the annual rent increase reporting requirements[,]” the memorandum requests $1,347,470 to implement the Bill into the 2024 budget. 

Supplemental Appropriation #24-25

The Safe Streets Act of 2023, which was passed unanimously under Bill 11-23 on Sept. 19, calls for transportation and road safety. The memorandum requests that $1,606,000 be allocated for the Department of Transportation: “$106,000 for the safe routes to school infrastructure review … and $1,500,000 in one-time costs for implementing changes to existing County owned traffic signals[.]”

Supplemental Appropriation #24-24

Under the Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) Grant Program, $22,784,000 of federal funds was awarded for low income residents. The purpose of this money is to buy 60,000 computers for those in need.

Supplemental Appropriation #24-35

With an uptake in hate and violence, the Nonprofit Security Grant (NPSG) Program is aiding to protect those facing hate. The request is that $100,000 be allocated to the program.

Supplemental Appropriation #24-34

Increased funding for the Montgomery County Infants and Toddlers Program (MCITP) – Consolidated Local Implementation Grant (CLIG). According to the memorandum, the requested $242,556 will enable providers to have “increased knowledge, skills, and support to improve their work[.]”

The second hearing, scheduled to be held on Nov. 14 at 1:30 p.m., will focus on the County Government’s Fiscal Year 2024 Capital Budget and Amendment to the Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Capital Improvements Program. Supplemental Appropriations #24-11 and #24-12 will be heard. The deadline to register to speak is Nov. 13 at 2 p.m.

There will be a hearing regarding a proposed fund on Nov. 28. The goal of this Civic Improvement Fund is “to calculate the biennial adjustments, set an inflation limit for the Bethesda Overlay Zone’s Park Improvement Payment and the Downtown Silver Spring Overlay Zone’s Civic Improvement Fund, and generally amend the density provisions of the Bethesda Overlay Zone and the Downtown Silver Spring Overlay Zone,” according to the press release. Those who want to testify must register by Nov. 27 at 2 p.m.

The hearings are broadcast live on television and streaming channels. People can watch the hearings on the following:

County Cable Montgomery, channels six and 996 on Xfinity, channels six and 1056 on RCN, channel 30 on FiOS, the Council website, on @MontgomeryCountyMdCouncil or @ConcejodelCondadodeMontgomery Facebook accounts, or on @MoCoCouncilMD YouTube account.

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