County Council Reviews MCPS Capital Budget for FY21-26

The Montgomery County Council held a virtual work session on Monday to review the Capital Improvements Program Budget for Montgomery County Public Schools.

The Board’s FY21-26 request totals $1.82 billion. This is $74.2 million (or 4.3 %) higher than the FY19-24 amended CIP of $1.74 billion according to county officials.

County Board of Education President Shebra Evans says CIP requests include upgrading many building systems on the elementary, middle, and high school levels. There’s also 25 projects in place to address aging infrastructure and overcrowding issues. Schools on this list include:

  • Burnt Mills Elementary School
  • South Lake Elementary School
  • Stonegate Elementary School
  • Woodlin Elementary School
  • Neelsville Middle School
  • Poolesville High School
  • Damascus High School
  • Thomas S. Wootton High School
  • Colonel Zadok Magruder High School

Clarksburg High, William Tyler Page Elementary, and Bethesda Elementary Schools were also among schools mentioned with capacity issues.

Although the fiscal climate has been impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MCPS officials say the CIP’s six year plan is possible, and needed for students to get the resources they need.

So far, Maryland has not closed all schools for the remainder of the academic year. Superintendent Jack Smith says an announcement from the state is expected to extend the May 15 start date. When school opens again, MCPS officials say there might be a need for more space due to new social distancing guidelines and overcrowding.

There’s about a 2,500 student increase expected next year according to Dr. Smith. To accommodate students as the new normal unfolds, registration and enrollment systems available online and through the mail. MCPS officials also spoke on the importance of Early Childhood Development efforts.

The estimated state aid funding numbers along with more information will be presented on Thursday during the Capital Improvements Program status update.

Watch the video below to view the entire Montgomery County Council work session:

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