The county council is looking to fill two vacant positions on the County Board of Appeals, with the application deadline set for Monday, November 14 at 5 p.m.
As a result of Roberto Pinero’s resignation and appointment to temporary acting Montgomery County Planning Board member, the first vacant position, which can be filled by a Democrat, is for a partial term ending September 2023.
The second vacancy comes as current Board of Appeals member Richard Melnick ends his term. The position, which cannot be filled by a Democrat, is for a full-term of four years. According to the county government, Melnick has “indicated that he will reapply for [the] position.”
Responsibilities for Board of Appeals members include:
-Hearing and deciding request for variances from development standards contained in the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance
-Hearing appeals from certain administrative decisions rendered by County government agencies
-Hearing oral argument on and deciding appeals from decisions of the Hearing Examiner on conditional uses
-Consider and decide requests for modifications of special exceptions
-Prepare for hearings by reading the cases to be heard
-Share the workload of drafting and editing opinions
-Follow-up on investigations on specific cases
-Work approximately 15 to 25 hours a week
Weekly hearings for the Board of Appeals are held every Wednesday, with worksessions held every other week, according to the county government.
“If necessary to accommodate an extended caseload or continued hearings, the Board may schedule hearings on other weekdays,” the county government stated per a press release.
According to the county government, Members of the Board currently receive $16,042.13 annually, while the Chair receives $22,671.98.
Residents interested in applying are being asked to send a letter expressing interest that includes “a resume (no more than four pages in length) listing professional and civic experience, political party affiliation, a telephone number to best reach you, your email address, and home mailing address.”
Applicants should send letters of interest via email to sara.tenenbaum@montgomerycountymd.gov and addressed to Council President Gabe Albornoz. Letters can also be sent to the county council office.
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