County Council Seeks Applicants for Seats on Public Election Fund Committee

The county council is calling for applications to fill three seats on the Public Election Fund Committee by 5 p.m. on April 12.

One of the vacancies is due to a resignation on the committee, thus the selected applicant will serve only a partial term. The other two seats are newly created positions as a recently passed bill expanded the committee from five to seven members.

The current term will end on April 30, 2023.

The committee approximates the funds necessary to implement the public campaign finance system. It also makes recommendations on what adjustments should be made for the following year, and engages the community in activities and education on campaign finance.

The Public Election Fund Committee has seven county residents, which will serve four-year terms. Terms begin on May 1 of the first year of the new council’s term of office. No more than three members can be from the same political party.

The committee generally meets once per quarter at 7 p.m. Members of County boards and committees may not serve on more than one at a time.

Letters of application should be emailed to Council President Tom Hucker at or mailed to the County Council Office, Stella B. Werner Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850.

Applications are made public as part of the process. Contact information however will be redacted.

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