County Cracking Down on Illegal Commercial House Parties

Multiple Montgomery County departments and agencies are collaborating to respond to illegal commercial house parties as they occur in the area. Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Dr. Earl Stoddard announced the collaboration during the County Executive’s weekly briefing on July 3.

The agencies involved include the Department of Permitting Services, Environmental Protection, Health and Human Services and Montgomery County Police Department. Through a joint effort, these departments will handle numerous civil violations by commercial house parties, including unlicensed food distribution, illegal fireworks, excess noise levels, disorderly conduct and the amusement tax.

The collaboration also involves some state agencies, such as the state’s Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission, which is responsible for the unlicensed distribution of alcohol.

The county’s mobilization is in response to reports of commercial house parties in county neighborhoods, most notably the “Wet Dreams Mansion Pool Party” hosted inside a Stapleford Hall Drive home in Potomac in May. In addition to witnessing illegal fireworks, residents reportedly complained about drug use, noise levels and traffic.

“We see in the movies police go in and break up college parties all the time. That’s not the way it works with some of these civil citations,” Stoddard said. “Going in and breaking up activity on a private party is limited to criminal activity and often some of these are civil violations.”

Stoddard also noted that the county is particularly focused on houses that are repeat offenders and known law violators. While the dates and times of upcoming house parties are visible, the locations may not always be available. To address this, the county plans to have teams ready to respond to commercial house parties throughout Montgomery County.

Dr. Stoddard’s full remarks on house parties:

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