County Creates Program to Provide At-Home COVID-19 Testing

Montgomery County is implementing rapid response teams that will offer free at home COVID-19 testing in zip codes heavily impacted by the pandemic.

The program, announced July 23, will partner with Ready Responders, a nationwide company that offers in-home medical care. In addition to COVID-19 testing, teams will also administer health and human service assessments.

Some Montgomery County zip codes most heavily impacted by the pandemic include: 20850, 20866, 20877, 20901, 20902, 20903, 20906 and 20910. At least three zip codes are in Silver Spring.

The service will be available everyday and teams will include a health worker and human services employee who will provide temperature checks, monitor vitals and administer COVID-19 saliva tests.

A DHHS service navigator will follow up after the visit as needed and bilingual staff will be available in-person or over the phone through the county’s language line.

Residents can be referred to the service by a local agency. They can also refer themselves by calling the testing hotline at 240-777-1755 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. everyday and answering a series of questions to determine eligibility.

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