County Executive Race: Blair’s Lead Shrinks to 550 Votes Over Elrich

photo of David Blair and Marc Elrich

With the addition of 3,393 mail-in votes counted, County Executive Marc Elrich cut businessman David Blair’s lead in half.

Blair now leads by 550 votes. Prior to counting some of the mail-in ballots, Blair led by 1,191 votes.

According to unofficial results by the Maryland Board of Elections as of 9:40 Friday morning, Blair had 30,337 votes to Elrich’s 29,487 votes. Blair holds a .7% (7/10 of one percent) lead.

This tally includes results from early voting, primary day voting, about 10% of the mail-in votes and none of the provisional ballots. Counting of the mail-in ballots continues, and results are not expected for about two weeks.

Name Party Early Voting Election Day Mail-In Ballot / Provisional Total Percentage
David T. Blair
Democratic 8,328 20,633 1,376 30,337 39.30%
Marc Elrich
Democratic 7,453 20,317 2,017 29,787 38.59%
Peter James
Democratic 325 1,120 88 1,533 1.99%
Hans Riemer
Democratic 4,203 10,708 620 15,531 20.12%

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