County Expected to Distribute 60,000 Computers Through Federal Grant

Montgomery County Council is reviewing a $22.7 million grant from the Federal Communications Commission Emergency Connectivity Fund that would be used to provide computers for low-income residents.

County Executive Marc Elrich requested that council purchase 60,000 Dell Chromebook laptops for residents without a computer. The council must approve the funding before it can be spent.

The grant was secured by the county’s Department of Technology & Enterprise Business Solutions  and Montgomery County Public Libraries with the support of U.S. Rep. David Trone (D-6th).

“We are closing the digital divide in Montgomery County,” Elrich said is a news release. “While the need continues to be out there, our computer distribution efforts are having an impact.”

He added, “As a result, most low-income families in our County will have digital access for homework, for remote work or to find a job. It is a way of helping end the poverty cycle and it doesn’t require anything but a library card.”

Said MCPL Director Anita Vassallo, “Montgomery County Public Libraries’ mission includes providing equitable access to information for all.”

According to the United Way, 8% of county households live at or below the federal poverty rate.

Eligible residents must make an appointment at when the computer distribution program opens, which is expected in November.


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