County Eyes Cooperative Purchasing of Electric Vehicles for Residents

As part of a continuing effort to push the use of electric cars, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) seeks an organization willing to create a group purchasing program for residents to buy or lease these cars at reduced prices.

Cooperative purchasing reduces prices since it enables an organization to buy multiple electric vehicles at one time. Cooperative purchasing is coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, of which Montgomery County is a member. This organization issued a request for proposals on behalf of the county.

“Transportation sector emissions are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions in Montgomery County, representing 42 percent of measured emissions in the County’s emissions inventory,” according to Executive Marc Elrich. “To support our goal of reaching zero emissions in the County by 2035, we need to stop driving internal combustion engine vehicles as soon as possible. The Electric Vehicle Purchasing Cooperative will help drive down the cost of the transition to electric vehicles for residents and businesses,” he wrote in a news release.

The request for proposal includes a clause concerning selling electric vehicles to other jurisdictions surrounding Montgomery County at the same price and conditions.

“This is something we are initiating, but why not lay the ground-work for its expansion into a regional effort that will save us all time and money?” wondered MCDOT Director Chris Conklin.

The pilot program will run through the spring of 2022 but could be extended.

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