County Honors Rosa Parks for Transit Equity Day

Rosa Parks

For the fourth consecutive year, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will celebrate Transit Equity Day with commemorative seat reservation bus cards Saturday, Feb. 4 in honor of Rosa Parks’ birthday.

Parks’ arrest in 1955 for refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus led to the 13-month-long Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama. The boycott culminated with the 1956 landmark Supreme Court case Browder v. Gayle ending segregation on public buses. The county observes Dec. 1, the day of Parks’ arrest as Rosa Parks Day.

Labor unions, community organizations and environmental groups recognized Transit Equity Day in 2017 to continue Parks’ legacy of fighting for equality during the U.S. Civil Rights movement. The day is also meant as a day of action to advocate for accessible, reliable and affordable transportation committed to sustainable energy.

MCDOT invested in clean energy and launched four electric buses in 2020 to provide transit equity. The department ordered 10 more buses and plans for the whole fleet to be carbon-free by 2035. Electric buses will be maintained by the charging infrastructure project completed by MCDOT in 2022.

Working with the Maryland Transit Administration, MCDOT continues to meet requirements set by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to ensure services are non-discriminatory. Reliable and affordable transit services help connect residents to jobs, schools, and other locations, making Montgomery County stronger when everyone can access the service without barriers, according to MCDOT.

The Connect-A-Ride and Call-N-Ride programs grant free information for older adults and subsidized taxi rides to low-income seniors or members of the disability community. Bus fares also dropped to $1 from the pre-pandemic price and there are several bike and scooter services available. MCDOT will continue to listen to public feedback and adjust transit services through its Ride On Reimagined Study.

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