County Launches Free Laptop Distribution Program for Low-Income Families

Montgomery County will soon distribute 34,000 free Chromebook laptops to low-income families, according to a Thursday press release.

Montgomery Connects — the county’s digital equity and inclusion program — received a $7 million Maryland Connected Devices grant to expand computer access.

Free laptop recipients must be Maryland residents, but do not have to be U.S. citizens. Only one computer will be distributed per address and household.

Information about qualifying and applying for a laptop can be found here. Upcoming computer distribution events run through Friday, July 28 at locations around the county.

“Access to a computer is essential for every family, regardless of their income level,” County Executive Marc Elrich said in the press release. “While children may have access to computers through schools, it is equally vital for parents, working individuals, and college students to have their own computer.”

When picking up their computer, recipients can also enroll in the Affordable Connectivity Program. This program offers up to $45 per month off internet services.

Eligible residents can make an appointment to receive a laptop with their email address here. To seek assistance in making an appointment, residents can call the Marylander Online Help Hotline at 301-405-9810. The hotline provides help in English, Spanish and other languages upon request.

Schedule for upcoming computer distribution events

  • Tuesday, July 18. Noon-4 p.m.
    Gaithersburg Library, 18330 Montgomery Village Ave.
  • Wednesday, July 19. Noon-4 p.m.
    Wheaton American Job Center, 11510 Georgia Ave.
  • Thursday, July 20. 1-5 p.m.
    McGee Library, 900 Wayne Ave., Silver Spring
  • Saturday, July 22. 11 a.m-3 p.m.
    Eastern Montgomery Regional Service Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Rd, Silver Spring
  • Tuesday, July 25. Noon-4 p.m.
    Germantown American Job Center, 12900 Middlebrook Rd.
  • Thursday, July 27. Noon-4 p.m.
    Aspen Hill Library, 4407 Aspen Hill Rd., Rockville
  • Friday, July 28. 2-6 p.m.
    McGee Library, 9000 Wayne Ave. Silver Spring

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