County Launches Website for New Small Business Recovery Program

The Reopen Montgomery Small Business Grant Program launched a website Sunday for small business owners to learn about and apply for grants in the county.

Reopen Montgomery reimburses county businesses with grants for expenses incurred from complying with state and county-wide reopening requirements in effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the new website.

The grant program includes a total of $14 million to help small businesses in the county thanks to a special appropriation passed by the county council. Applicants can each receive grants of up to $5,000.

Small businesses and non-profit organizations can receive grants if the business is physically located in the county or at least half of its employees or gross sales are in the county. The small business must also have fewer than 100 full-time employees and cannot have received prior coronavirus-related assistance from the county or incurred “Reopening Reimbursable Expenditures,” according to the website.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling random lottery system.

Grants can help small businesses get reimbursed on things such as protective equipment, signage, cleaning supplies and outdoor furniture.

For more information, visit

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