County Libraries Join Wizards Winter Reading Challenge

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Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) has partnered with the Washington Wizards to introduce a new program to encourage reading skills in children and youth. “Wizards Winter Reading Challenge” is designed for school-aged children and teens. The challenge is open now and runs through March 31.

“We are thrilled to team up with the Washington Wizards for the Winter Reading Challenge. This Challenge is a fun way to inspire children, teens and their families to enjoy reading, visit their local library, connect with their community and find different ways to be physically active this winter,” Anita Vassallo, MCPL Director said in a press release.

There are a few easy steps to follow to join the challenge. Sign up online on the MCPL website. Obtain a game board, either by printing the board from the MCPL website or picking one up at anyone of the 21 county library branches. Read any book for 20 minutes a day and complete activities to receive points and earn badges. Earn the Reading badge and at least two other badges by March 31 to complete the challenge.

Participants who complete the challenge will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win two tickets to the April 9 Wizards’ home game against the Houston Rockets. A variety of prizes will also be available at the library branches while supplies last.

The D.C. Public Library, the Prince George’s County Memorial Library System, the Alexandria Library and the Fairfax County Public Libraries are also partners in the program.

More information can be found here.





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