Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) are offering online workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions to help those looking for employment. The topics include strategies for job searches, using LinkedIn to identify jobs, and guidance to apply for jobs with Montgomery County Government. All workshops are both free and virtual.
An internet connection and a device (such as a smartphone, tablet or computer) are required to participate.
Monday Feb. 8; 1-3 p.m.
Job Search Strategies (in a Pandemic)
Learn about best practices for conducting a job search in the current (pandemic) job market.
Tues/Thurs Feb. 16/Feb. 18; 5:45-7:45 p.m.
LinkedIn Boot Camp (Part I / Part II)
This popular two-session/two-day workshop focuses on both the mechanics and strategy of using LinkedIn as a tool to conduct a successful job search.
Wednesday Feb. 24; 10:30-12:30 p.m.
How to Apply for Jobs with Montgomery County Government
Find out everything you need to know about applying for jobs with Montgomery County Government.
Throughout February – Mondays 9:30-11:30 a.m.
H.I.R.E. (Helping Individuals Reach Employment) Sessions Meet confidentially with a career counselor for advice and assistance with your job search
Monday, Feb. 1; Register here.
Monday, Feb. 8; Register here.
Monday, Feb. 22; Register here.
Tuesday Feb.9; 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Just starting your entrepreneurial journey? This workshop will cover the fundamentals of building a business and help you determine if you are ready to become a small business owner. Brought to you in partnership with the Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC).
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