County Loses Thousands of Acres of Trees, Forest Canopies

grass under tree canopy

Montgomery County lost more than 4,000 acres of trees and forest canopies to development, the second highest amount out of all the counties in Maryland, according to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. 

According to a Hughes Center Report on Maryland forests, “Montgomery and Prince George’s [County], accounted for more than 44% of the state’s total tree canopy loss to development.”  

Over the last three years, the Montgomery County Forest Coalition has been updating the county’s Forest Conservation Law. The updates will expand on the current conservation law to address the rapid loss of trees and forest cover. 

The proposed legislation will raise the amount of forest area that must be preserved during a development project. The law will adopt stricter replanting requirements to replace land that was cleared. The bill will create new incentives to ensure that forest conservation actions protect local creeks and streams. 

The Montgomery County Council will host a public hearing for the new legislation at 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 7  at the Council Office Building.

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