Montgomery County launched its EquiCare Subsidy Seats, providing $1 million for access to childcare for those with low incomes.
The county’s Early Childhood Services, which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services, is offering grants to support families with children three years and younger who are enrolled in what they term “high-quality child care.”
The grants are for at least $57,504 for family programs and at least $282,720 for center-based programs.
“One of my top priorities since I have been in office is to invest in early childhood education and we have provided more than $56 million.” said County Executive Marc Elrich in a news release.
“We want all young children in Montgomery County to have access to affordable high quality early care and education. Quality early childhood education is critical to set our children up to succeed. As a former elementary school teacher, I saw firsthand the importance of early childhood education and how critical it is to education and equity outcomes.”
The money can cover tuition to qualified families.
The awards will be prioritized for programs in the zip codes of 20877, 20886, 20902, 20866 and 20906.
Information about the program, eligibility and how to apply is online. Applications are due by Feb. 5.
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