County Recreation Offers Spring Break Camps and Activities

The county recreation department offers a number of programs and camps for students while on spring break. This year spring break starts on  Monday, April 3 and continues through Monday, April 10.

School Day Out

The recreation department, in partnership with KID Museum, offers a program for children in grades 2 to 7. On Tuesday, April 4 through Thursday, April 6, children may be dropped off at East County and Plum Gar Recreation Center at 8 a.m. and picked up by 4:45 p.m.. A bus will take children registered to the KID Museum where they will participate in age-appropriate maker activities.

Motion Commotion, Space KIDs and Making Magic programs are open to students in grades 2-4. And Printmakers, Mini Movie Making and Energy in Motion programs are for students in grades 5 through 7.

Visit the KID Museum website to learn more about the program and sign up. Use the filter “Daily Camps.”

Spring Break Camps

The recreation department offers activities and camps at recreation centers throughout the county, including options for individuals with disabilities. Camps are in session April 3-April 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

A list of options is available on the ActiveMontgomery website.

Spring Break Basketball Program

The North Potomac Recreation Center hosts a basketball program for children ages 11-18. The free program runs Tuesday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 5. Learn more and register by contacting local community recreation centers.

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