Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs will honor Black veterans with virtual tributes on its website during Black History Month.
Also during Black History Month, the commission will recognize the service and sacrifices of Black veterans who served as Buffalo Soldiers, Harlem Hellfighters and the Tuskegee Airmen as well as those who currently serve.
Montgomery County also will honor the County’s Black men and women veterans who continue to serve the nation.
The tributes will be displayed throughout February at the Silver Spring Civic Center in Downtown Silver Spring. The main room of the civic center was dedicated in 2018 as Buffalo Soldiers Great Hall.
The room includes items about Buffalo Soldiers that are loaned to the county from Michael Theard, president of the 9th and 10th (HORSE) Cavalry Association Greater Washington, D.C. chapter.
Black veterans interested in sharing their story or the heroics of a friend of family member, should fill out the Commission’s form
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