County to Host Bike Donation Event on Friday

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is hosting its fourth annual bike donation event on Friday. The event was canceled last year due to Covid-19 restrictions.

The drive takes place from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. at the intersection of East Jefferson Street and Monroe Street in Rockville. The event will be accepting bikes for kids and adults. Bike parts and gear will not be accepted.

Once bikes have been donated, they will be sent to the Rockville Bike Hub, which is a non-profit organization that revamps bicycles. After the bikes are revamped, they will be transferred to MCDOT’s Bike Match Project, where they will be distributed to individuals seeking a bike.

Bike donations have increased since the event’s inception and have topped out at 176 bikes in 2019.

Donors who do not have a bike can still support the drive by donating monetarily.

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