County to Host Conversation on the Coexistence of Fear and Faith During COVID-19

Montgomery County will host an online conversation, “Help My Unbelief – The Coexistence of Faith and Fear During a Pandemic” on Wednesday, April 7 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

The conversation will focus on how to not lose faith during a time where religious centers are closed for extended periods due to COVID-19. Also, the event will address the importance of faith to overcome difficult situations caused by death and loneliness during the pandemic.

Rev. Eric Wellington King, pastor of the Goshen United Methodist Church in Gaithersburg, will facilitate the conversation. He will also be joined by Rev. Gareth Murray, associate pastor at the First Baptist Church in Silver Spring.

The session is part of a series, Wellness Community Events: Healing and Holding On – One Conversation at a Time for the Community. The series focuses on issues that pertain to the mental health and overall wellness affecting county residents during the pandemic.

The virtual event is free and no registration is required. Residents can join the conversation on Teams Live or view it on the County Cable Montgomery and the County’s Facebook.

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