County Urges Residents to Report Slow Internet Speeds for Federal Broadband Funding

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Montgomery County extended the deadline for residents to report slow internet speeds. It is now Monday, Sept. 9.



Montgomery County asks residents with slow internet speeds to report their issues by Thursday, Sept. 5. The Federal government has awarded Maryland $267 million to improve broadband access, but funding depends on accurate eligibility maps showing where internet speeds are below 100/20 Mbps.

Residents who lack 100/20 Mbps service should visit the County’s website to report their internet speeds. Properties not listed on the eligibility maps may miss out on funding to upgrade their broadband.

“We need your help to identify areas with slow internet so we can secure the funding to improve service,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “High-speed internet is crucial for everyone in our community.”

Residents should submit their address, recent internet bill, and speed test results to the County’s website. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5.

To make these properties eligible for grant funding:

  • Residents must have 100/20 Mbps internet service and a recent bill or photo of a bill from the last 60 days.
  • Residents must complete a speed test, e.g., at, on three different days. And take a screenshot or photo of each test.
  • Residents must visit to upload their bill and speed test screenshots or photos.

For more information, visit or email

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