County’s Dickerson Incinerator Faces Extended Use Despite Promises of Closure

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich wanted the incinerator at the Montgomery County Resource Recovery Facility in Dickerson to be shuttered by 2022.

Many of the current councilmembers campaigned on a platform that called for its closure. “We all want this incinerator gone. We all campaigned on its removal,” said Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles Tuesday during the Montgomery County council meeting.

Councilmembers listened to a briefing that included information that indicated that the incinerator would continue to burn the county’s waste for another four to five years.

In the future, the county intends to stop burning waste and instead use trucks and rail cars to send the trash out of the area, said Jon Monger, Department of Environmental Protection.

The incinerator, which opened in 1995, burned 543,708 tons of waste in 2020, according to Councilmember Evan Glass. Nearly one-quarter of that amount was construction and demolition materials, “which are particularly toxic and bad to burn,” he said.

Under the county’s Aiming for Zero Waste Initiative, more food would be composted, and less waste be sent to the landfill.

Meanwhile, Monger said his department is working on closing the incinerator and developing plans to haul waste currently sent to Derwood Transfer Station and the Dickerson facility.

Several councilmembers questioned why the county cannot begin hauling the trash out of the county now and simultaneously do what is necessary to close the incinerator for good.

Monger said officials must resolve multiple regulations and requirements before starting the hauling program. He explained that when there was a bad fire at the incinerator, the county was able to haul trash right away, because many of the regulations are less stringent when not asking for a long-term hauling solution plan.

“We are moving as quickly as possible,” he said.

He is requesting the county agree to a short-term five-year extension to continue operating the incinerator “to ensure uninterrupted solid waste management services to County residents and businesses. The extension will include an early termination clause,” according to documents submitted to the council.

The council has scheduled a public hearing for Feb. 11.

Lauren Greenberger, vice president of the Sugarloaf Civic Association, said her organizations “fervently objects” to having the incinerator open another four or five years. She said there were 12 area landfills that could take the county’s waste.

“We want to stop having to breathe in toxic emissions,” she said.

Monger said the county spent about $170 million during the past three years to upgrade and improve the incinerator and make it safer.

Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe expressed frustration, noting, “A promise was made to the community to close the incinerator.” She criticized officials for failing to share the information discussed at Tuesday’s council meeting seven or eight years ago.

Councilmember Dawn Luedtke questioned the ethics of transporting county waste to another area. “I am particularly sensitive of the notion that our waste becomes someone else’ problem.”

Photo courtesy MCFRS

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