County’s ‘RespectFest’ Promotes Respect in Dating Relationships

Montgomery County’s RespectFest, which is designed to promote respect in dating relationships and to raise awareness about the prevalence of teen dating violence, includes an in-person festival March 27 and several webinars for a week leading up to the event.

Students in sixth through twelfth grades can submit videos on the dating respect and winners will be announced at the event. The top video creator will received $1,000. Here is information on the contest and examples of winning videos from the past.

There will be an opening webinar March 21 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. The following night, the webinar is called Let’s Talk Consent and will be shown from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. On March 23, the webinar will be about dating violence prevention and is for parents. There will be an English and Spanish version. On March 24 at 5:30 p.m. students can play Jeopardy.

During RespectFest, which runs from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Wheaton Community Recreational Center, winners of the video contest will be announced. There also will be free food and lots of information and resources. Also included will be student performances, self-defense classes, yoga and raffles.

Students can earn up to 3 SSL hours for participating.

Here is last year’s winning video, which was created by Yifan from Poolesville High School and Yixuan from Takoma Park Middle School, who are siblings. It is called Love Should Never Hurt.

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