COVID-19 Numbers: Montgomery County Cases Increase to 640, State Cases to 3,125

Each morning, the Maryland Department of Health releases the number of confirmed coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, cases in the state. The number of Montgomery County coronavirus cases increased to 640, according to the health departments statistics released Saturday morning.

The cases in the County continue to climb as there were 447 cases on Wednesday, which increased to 498 on Thursday and 566 on Friday. The number of reported deaths due to COVID-19 stands at 9, no change from Friday.

As of Saturday morning, there are  3,125 confirmed cases in Maryland, up from 2,758 on Friday. The state has seen an increase of 1,140 cases since Wednesday. The number of cases in the state and Montgomery County has more than tripled in the past week, since March 27.

The total number of deaths in Maryland due to COVID-19 is currently at 53, up from 42 Friday. There is no additional information about the 11 new victims at this time.

Friday morning the Maryland Department of Health reported six additional Covid-19 deaths in the state, bringing the total to 42. Later Friday evening the health department released some basic information on the six victims. The six victims include a Baltimore City man in his 30s, a Montgomery County man over 80 years of age, a Montgomery County woman in her 60s, a Montgomery County man in his 40s, an Anne Arundel County woman in her 70s, and a Prince George’s County man in his 60s.

Friday afternoon, Governor Hogan held a media briefing about the pandemic and the state’s response.  Hogan stressed that there is widespread community transmission of the coronavirus. He also asked Marylanders to join together for a moment of prayer Sunday at noon.

Of the total Maryland cases, 821 were hospitalized at some point and 159 have been released from isolation. According to the Maryland Department of Health, there have been 22,485 negative coronavirus tests in the state.

Montgomery County’s Coronavirus website now includes information on covid-19 cases and deaths in the County. The County’s Department of Health and Human Services will update the page twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.

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