COVID-19 Numbers: Montgomery County Deaths 48, County Cases Increase by 125, State Cases Near 9,000

The number of Montgomery County COVID-19 cases now stands at 1,756 according to the statistics released Monday morning by the health department. Montgomery County cases increased by 125 since Sunday.

The number of COVID-19 deaths in the county is 48 which is an increase of six deaths since Sunday. The Maryland Department of Health did not release any additional information on the six deaths at this time.

As of Monday morning, there are 8,936 cases of COVID-19 in Maryland, which is an increase of 711 cases from the 8,225 cases reported Sunday.

The total number of deaths in Maryland due to COVID-19 is currently reported as 262, up from 235 Sunday. There is no additional information about the 27 victims at this time.

The Maryland Department of Health now identifies the number of cases and deaths by race. African Americans have been hit hardest with a total of 3,302 cases and 104 deaths. African Americans make up 37 percent of coronavirus cases and 37 percent of the deaths.

By comparison, people whose race was listed as white had a total of 2,305 cases and 83 deaths. Whites make up 26 percent of coronavirus cases and 32 percent of the deaths.

Data by race is not yet available for 1,667 cases and 28 deaths.

Of the total Maryland cases, 1,975 were hospitalized at some point and 603 have been released from isolation. According to the Maryland Department of Health, there have been 42,815 negative coronavirus tests in the state.

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