Craig Rice Interviewed for Newly Created Special Projects Manager

The Montgomery County councilmembers’ interview of Craig Rice Tuesday revolved mostly around complimenting their former colleague and commenting on the need to bring connectivity to every resident.

If approved by the council, which appears likely, Rice would work in the county executive office as a special projects manager dealing with broadband and connectivity at a salary of $175,000 a year. He would be responsible for managing broadband access for residents with an emphasis on the underserved rural areas to help bridge the digital divide.

“Let me just thank publicly Craig Rice for even applying for this job,” said Councilmember Sidney Katz during the roughly 30-minute interview.

“You couldn’t be more perfect for this job,” said Councilmember Gabe Albornoz, noting that Rice has made connections in government and business and understands inequity through his work on the council and previously as a state delegate.

Rice has dealt with the issue both while a member of the council and on a national level. He recently did not run for reelection as a member of the council due to term limits.

In applying for the position, Rice wrote, “My quest is to serve in a position that will enable me to help create equitable outcomes for all our constituents.”

During a question-and-answer session with councilmembers, he said the pandemic was harder felt on those who did not have access to computers and broadband. Students were given Chromebooks, but those had to be returned during the summer, he noted.

It costs an average of $68 a month for a broadband subscription, and that is a great deal of money for some residents, Rice said.

Residents without connectivity had difficulty setting up COVID-19 vaccinations appointments, talking to medical professionals through telehealth appointments and obtaining online tutoring and training.

“The reality is, we have the opportunity to do this in this county,” Rice said of bridging the digital divide.

Council President Evan Glass, who along with Councilmember Dawn Luedtke were the lone votes against creating this new position, said the county will discuss the matter “and get back to you very shortly.”

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