Crime Rates, Addition of Security Cameras Discussed at Silver Spring Community Meeting

downtown silver spring

Safe Silver Spring held its quarterly meeting Wednesday with representatives of the the Montgomery County Police Department, Third District Commander David McBain, Lt. Sunyoung Kim, Lt. Tenesha Jensen and Lt. Kevin Parker.

Safe Silver Spring was originally founded about 10 years ago by Silver Spring residents Tony Hausner and the late Woody Brosnan.  They describe themselves as an “all-volunteer group focused on the well-being of our community” whose goal is “to help it remain a community that is a safe place to live, work and play.”

During the hour-long virtual meeting, Commander McBain from District 3 of the Montgomery County Police Department shared the numbers of robberies, homicides and crimes and said that he is “happy to have some declines in some crimes, but unfortunately burglary has increased 29% so far this year compared with the same period of 2021 and auto thefts jumped 90%”.

Also, officer McBain said that residents will see stationary cameras, systems that are in downtown Silver Spring at key locations. “We’re going to start rolling those cameras out. You will see them they’ll be red and blue lights they’ll be very visible and we’re going to put them in areas again that we want to show a presence”.

Some of the residents had the opportunity to ask questions to MCPD members. You can watch the entire meeting here:

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