The application deadline to fill two full-term positions on the Montgomery County Planning Board has been extended to April 14 at 5 p.m. by the Montgomery County Council.
Regardless of political party affiliation, residents who are registered to vote in the county are eligible to apply and can serve up to two 4-year terms if appointed. However, the board cannot be comprised of more than three members from the same party. Applications from current board members are accepted as well.
A cover letter should be included with the application materials to express whether the applicant would like to be considered for the Planning Board chair opening, one of the two positions available. More information about the required documents and the application process can be found here.
Every Thursday the Planning Board meets all day. Since Planning Board members work as commissioners for the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, they also meet with the whole commission once a month. Members are paid $30,000 annually for their work preparing for activities and addressing other responsibilities on top of any meetings. The full-time chair receives $228,000.
The public will be able to assess those considered for the positions as part of the appointment process through an open list of applicants, televised interviews and public resumes of interviewees.
🗓Deadline Extended to April 14: Montgomery County Council Seeks Applicants for Montgomery County Planning Board Chair and a Planning Board Member. 📰Read more: https://t.co/uSzSApD1Zc pic.twitter.com/oWShHgoAuz
— Montgomery Council (@MoCoCouncilMD) March 30, 2023
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