Deadline to Apply for the Fourth Phase of COVID-19 Rent Relief Program is Thursday

Until June 30th elegible residents would have the opportunity to apply to the fourth phase of the rent relief program which provides financial assistance for tenants that have experienced a financial hardship due to the COVID-19 health crisis.

To be eligible for funds, households must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:

  • Have experienced COVID-19 financial hardship.
  • Have a household gross income from either their 2020 or 2021 tax return or the previous 30 days that is at or below 50 percent of area median income.
  • Have resided in Montgomery County since at least August 2021.
  • Have an obligation to pay rent, formally or informally.
  • Be behind on their rental obligation by at least two months.

Funding for the fourth phase comes from U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance funds in direct allocations to the County and as a sub-grantee to the State of Maryland. In the previous three phases of the program, $78 million in rental assistance has been distributed to approximately 10,500 Montgomery County households, according to the local government.

To apply for relief funds, visit

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