Montgomery County’s Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) “2024 Year in Review” video highlights the innovation, achievements and environmental stewardship the County is making toward meeting the goals of the Climate Action Plan.
View the video on DEP’s website.
“This year, our Department of Environmental Protection has shown once again how determined leadership and community partnerships can drive real progress,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “From expanding food scrap recycling to planting thousands of trees and advancing renewable energy programs, these achievements are making Montgomery County more sustainable, resilient and equitable. I want to thank the DEP team for their hard work and urge residents to explore how they can be part of these efforts. Every step we take together strengthens our community and our planet.”
Highlights featured in DEP’s “2024 Year in Review” video include:
Renewable Energy Milestones:
- Launched a $1.5M grant program for pre-weatherization, electrification and climate adaptation in low- and moderate-income homes.
- Promoted the Capital Area Solar Switch, with 1,600+ County households registering for affordable solar installations.
Waste Reduction and Recycling Success:
- Initiated Food Scraps Recycling drop-off program at local farmers markets. An estimated 27,000 pounds of food scraps have been collected from approximately 3,800 residents.
- Expanded Single-Family Residential Curbside Food Scraps Recycling Pilot Program recycling over one million pounds of food scraps by more than 1,500 households.
- Expanded materials accepted for recycling including textiles and plastic wrap and more types of electronics and batteries.
- Hosted 270 educational waste reduction and recycling events engaging over 22,000 residents.
Protecting and Preserving the Watershed:
- Awarded nearly one million dollars in grants to local nonprofit organizations for water quality improvement projects such as rain gardens, community cleanups and education on native plants.
- RainScapes awarded more than 1,800 rebates to County residents and businesses that participated in the program and celebrated 17 years of service.
- Tree Montgomery planted more than 4,000 trees, and 1,400 trees on Montgomery County Public School grounds.
“I am extremely proud of our dedicated and passionate team at DEP who continuously work to make a more sustainable and resilient Montgomery County,” said DEP Director Jon Monger. “Much of their work and accomplishments are reflected in the 2024 Year in Review video. I encourage all community members and businesses to watch the video and see how you can join these efforts – every partnership and every action, no matter how small, can make a difference.”
With each accomplishment and milestone, the County gets closer to meeting its Climate Action Plan goals.
“I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the DEP team for their outstanding successes and initiatives in 2024,” said County Climate Change Officer Sarah Kogel-Smucker. “This work in community engagement, environmental justice and sustainability moves us closer to achieving our ambitious climate goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2027 and 100 percent by 2035. I am excited for the new programs and partnerships ahead in 2025.”
To learn more about DEP’s programs, initiatives and mission visit its website. Subscribe to My Green Montgomery for news and updates on living a green life in Montgomery County. Follow DEP on Facebook, Instagram and X.