Derwood Man Sentenced to 7 Years for Firing Shots in Silver Spring Shopping Center

A Montgomery County Circuit Court judge sentenced a Derwood man who fired shots in a Silver Spring shopping center to seven years in prison on Wednesday. 

Abdul Fossett, 19, was captured on surveillance video firing gunshots on March 23, 2021 outside the White Oak Shopping Center located on the 11200 block of New Hampshire Avenue in Silver Spring. His intended victim was able to escape and was not injured. 

Fossett pleaded guilty to first-degree assault and possession of a loaded handgun. As part of the plea deal, Fossett also pleaded guilty to second-degree assault for attacking a fellow inmate after he was detained, according to a press release.  

“I thank Judge Jill Cummins for imposing a lengthy sentence in this case to help protect the safety of the community. Hopefully this provides deterrence for others who would attempt to use a deadly weapon in a crowded area. Escalating a conflict to this level of violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our county. Thanks to Assistant State’s Attorney Kelly McGann for his work in ensuring the defendant is held responsible for his actions,” State’s Attorney John McCarthy said. 

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