Directors Confirmed to Departments of Health and Human Services, Environmental Protection

Dr. James Bridgers, who was Acting Director for the county’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), was unanimously appointed by the County Council as Director on Tuesday. Bridgers replaces Dr. Raymond Crowel who retired in February. Prior to this appointment, Bridgers served as the Chief of Public Health Services.

Jon Monger was unanimously confirmed as the new Director for the county’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

Councilmember Gabe Albornoz, who is chair of the Council’s Health and Human Services Committee, said Councilmembers look forward to working with Bridgers.

County Executive Marc Elrich appointed Bridgers and Monger.

“We have work to do,” Bridgers said during a media briefing Wednesday with Elrich. “We have work to do in the mental health and substance use space, we have work to do as we just had a very lengthy conversation on housing stabilization and working with our services to end and prevent homelessness.”

Elrich said Monger joins the county after serving as Assistant Deputy Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Also, Jeffrey Merkowitz, Linda Croom and Robert (Robin) Salomon were confirmed by the council Tuesday to the Housing Opportunities Commission.

“I don’t know if there are three more important areas that the county focuses on than health and human services, environmental protection and housing,” said Council Vice President Andrew Friedson.

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